Did you find what you needed from this page?
Let us know! sgulya1@lsu.edu
and musxf579@hotmail.com
or musxf579@kent.edu

This site covers roads and
highways in all regions of Ohio with photographs, route information,
important and unusual features, and related links.
Click on the Region, or road, you are interested in,
or scroll down to the headings beneath this map.

Miscellaneous Pages
Covering the evolution of Ohio's highway
This lists certain data for each highway in Ohio.
The original Ohio highways website.
- Website authors and maintainers: Marc Fannin and Sandor
- Original website idea and photography equipment: Sandor
- Commentary and photography: Marc Fannin and Sandor Gulyas,
with various submissions from others
The ODOT Collection
Other Ohio photo sites
Ohio road sites (this doesn't include Museum
of the Open Road, which produces audio recordings describing
certain Ohio Interstate routes, or the
Transportation forum from Urbanohio.com)
newspaper links
If you have a question or comment about this
site, feel free to e-mail
Sandor Gulyas at sgulya1@gmail.com or Marc
Fannin at musxf579@hotmail.com
or musxf579@kent.edu.
This site created Friday, April 2, 1999/Moved to roadfan.com
April 14, 2001/Renamed The Ohio Regional Road Pages August 29,
Last revised July 19, 2006
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