The Bridges Of Columbus and Franklin County

Photographing historic and architecturally interesting highway crossings of local waterways and other overpasses in Columbus

This is my index page for (my) bridge pictures in Franklin County. I have the table set up below listing the bridges I felt were of importnace, by way of aesthetics or history, in Franklin County.

 Scioto River

 Olentangy River

 Darby Creeks

 Other Crossings

 Fishinger Rd

Dodridge St

 Beech Rd

Bridges of Dublin

 W Broad St

 Lane Ave

 US 40

Bridges of Clintonville 

 Town St

 Woody Hayes Dr

 Georgesville and

Oh 317 @ Big Walnut

Rich St

 Cannon Dr

 Darbydale Rd

3rd and 4th St Viaducts

 Main St

 King Ave

 Oh 762

 Neil Ave @ I-670

 Mound St

 5th Ave

 Canal Winchester

 3rd Ave

 Covered Bridge

 Dublin Ave

 Spring St

Page created on September 17, 2003/ last updated on June 10, 2004

Questions, comments, and submissions can be sent to Sandor Gulyas

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