More recent information can be found on the 2009 roadtrip page, written in 2013
Welcome to the Michiana Roads page! This page describes the roads and highways in the area known as "Michiana", which is comprised of Southwestern Michigan and the area of Northern Indiana outside of the Chicago metropolitan area ("Chicagoland"); South Bend, Indiana, is the regional center.
Michiana links: | What's On In Michiana | How Industry Shaped Michiana | Michiana Map (available from the Buchanan Area Chamber of Commerce) (out-of-date page, some information may no longer be valid) | South Bend's Historical Heritage
This page lists and shows maps of the current and former alignments of Interstate, U.S. and state routes that traverse the county just north of South Bend, Indiana.
This page lists the current and former alignments of routes that run in and around South Bend, Mishawaka, and Elkhart.
Help me find evidence to support these past references to roads and route designations around the Benton Harbor-St. Joseph area.
In addition to the photos themselves, this page contains much information about the area's roads, such as the St. Joseph Valley Parkway (US 20 and US 31).
The Michigan Department of Transportation
Michigan State Highways by Christopher Bessert
Schoolcraft Area US-131 Planning Committee - Supports a four-lane bypass around Schoolcraft, south of Kalamazoo. (part of the Kalamazoo County Department of Planning and Community Development) See the MDOT entry above for a link to the Kalamazoo-to-Indiana study webpage.
U.S. 12-Michigan to Washington by Richard F. Weingroff of the Federal Highway Administration
U.S. 231-Indiana to Florida by Richard F. Weingroff of the Federal Highway Administration -- includes some information on US 31 and US 131.
Blue Star Memorial Highways by Richard F. Weingroff of the Federal Highway Administration -- Throughout Michigan, US 31 (plus some of its older alignments like County Road A2 in Berrien, Van Buren, and Allegan Counties) is one of the Blue Star Highways. In addition to that page, this page has a link to this .pdf which gives a detailed history of the program; this page has a reproduction of the signs formerly posted along CR-A2.
Pete's Road Page by Peter Youngman. Includes some information on roads such as the Chicago-Detroit Post Road and the West Michigan Pike.
Union Pier's Past by Robert Rosenbaum. Postcard collector in this southwest Berrien County town has scans which depict the original lakeshore routing (M-11 then US-12) as well as other history.
County Road Commissions:
The Indiana Department of Transportation
Indiana Code: Title 8: Utilities and Transportation and Title 9: Motor Vehicles
Indiana Highway Ends by Charles Sarjeant - in addition to the photographs which illustrate the site's main topic, included imbedded in the entries is much historical routing information.
Indiana Highway Maps - scans of old official road maps courtesy Indiana University's Geography and Map Library.
US 6
U.S. 6 - The Grand Army of the Republic Highway by Richard F. Weingroff of the Federal Highway Administration
Joe Hurley's Route 6 Walk -- Chronicles of this coast-to-coast trek in 2004.
U.S. 31 Coalition, Inc. -- An organization to promote the upgrade of US 31 between Indianapolis and South Bend. See the INDOT entry above for a link to the South Bend-to-Plymouth study webpage.
The Yellowstone Trail - Indiana - Very detailed routing information about this route. Main site This trail as well as the Michigan Road, the Lincoln Highway (see above), and the Grand Army of the Republic Highway (see US 6 above) will be part of the permanent exhibit "Historic Transportation Center" at the Marshall County Historical Museum.
U.S. 12-Michigan to Washington by Richard F. Weingroff of the Federal Highway Administration -- includes some information on the old US 112.
U.S. 231-Indiana to Florida by Richard F. Weingroff of the Federal Highway Administration -- includes some information on US 31 and US 131.
Pete's Road Page by Peter Youngman. Includes some information on roads such as the Dunes Highway, the Chicago-Detroit Post Road, and the Lincoln Highway.
Midwest Living Magazine: "Driving I-80 Throught the Midwest: Indiana"
Proposed Chicagoland Expressways -- One person's personal proposals for additions to the Chicago expressway (freeway) system, which extends somewhat into the Michiana area.
County Highway Departments:
South Bend Street Update (South Bend streets are maintained by the Department of Public Works, Division of Engineering but the aforementioned page is maintained by Downtown South Bend, Incorporated)
South Bend's 1961 Comprehensive Plan - Executive Summary (see current City Plan) - Mentions an east-west expressway through South Bend and two "inner beltways", none of which were built.
Exit lists
Note: Nicholas Rothfuss' lists below are old versions stored at Internet Archive
Metropolitan Planning Organizations
Area contractors
Selected area newspapers
All Indiana locations unless otherwise noted
Comments? E-mail me (Marc Fannin) at Thank you for visiting!
This page created Tuesday, August 24, 1999/Moved to XOOM (later NBCi) November 2, 1999/Moved to April 14, 2001/Last revised July 9, 2007
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