One shot and done
Bridges of Cincinnati

The Taylor-Southgate bridge, profile view from the L&G Bridge. More info about this bridge here & here (Photo taken in October, 2003)

Head on shot of the Brent Spence Bridge. Being on the top deck, we're heading southbound into Kentucky.
More info about this bridge is located here & here (Photo taken in October, 2003)

Another Head on shot, this time of the Roebling Suspension Bridge. Looking north from Kentucky towards Cincinnati.
More info about this bridge is located here & here. (Photo taken in October, 2003)

This would be the 5th St viaduct.Used to connect 5th St (to the right out of the picture) with Columbia Parkway (US 50 or 52 at one time?). The arch trusses in use here are the only ones used in Cincinnati. More about this bridge can be found here. Photo taken from Mt. Adams in October, 2003.

Unknown bridge (but notice the twist in the underneith arch). I believe this photo was taken in Mt. Adams (from October, 2003)

Another unknown bridge. I think I was along Reading Rd at the base of Price Hill (Photo from January, 2005)

Just in case you did not know where you were, this bridge spells it out for you. Paddock Rd (Oh 4) at I-75 (Photo taken in January, 2005)

I was able to photograph a part of the Western Hills Viaduct (more info here and here) near the Harrison Ave exit along I-75 (Photo taken in March, 2005)

Traveling along Columbia Parkway (US 50) between Fairfax and Downtown Cincinnati, I noticed these light supports/pillars on the ends of the bridges along the way. I didn't notice them anywhere else in the tri-state area. Photo taken in October, 2003.

The following bridges, near Kellogg Ave and Coney Island, were the last part of I-275 to be completed in 1980. (More info on them are located here and here) Looking north (inspite of what direction the I-275 sign says on the right) from Kentucky into Ohio. (Photo taken in March, 2005)

Cincinnati is just crazy about it's university. :-) Actually this is for Union Center (I assume something like the Easton Development in NE Columbus), and it encorperates UC in it's bridge design. [More info at the bottom of this page -- MGF] Now if their basketball team makes the final four again...
SB on I-75 between Tylersville Rd. and I-275 (Photo from June, 1999)

Page created on March 3, 2004/ last updated on May 19, 2005

Questions, comments, and submissions can be sent to Sandor Gulyas

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