Roadside Kentucky (Western)
Owensboro | Paducah
The William Natcher Bridge east of Owensboro. Currently
used by US 231. This website
and this website
contain more details about this bridge.
from May, 2003)

The Grover Carey bridge, until 2002, was the only way
into Owensboro from Indiana. This structure even skys over US
60 along the riverfront of Owensboro.
Both bridge
photos taken in May, 2003
Buffalo Road anyone? Whatever it was, it evidently
terminated in Owensboro. (Photo from May, 2003)
While it doesn't look too spectacular from this vantage
point that is still an impressive bridge on the horizon. US 60
crossing the Green River between Owensboro and Henderson, Kentucky
(I'm fairly sure). (Photo from May, 2003)
Along the Western Kentucky Parkway, you have to be alert to
rocks that have already fallen instead of those that might come
tumbling down (and even then, where would these rocks come from?).
Photo taken in June, 1999.
Going westbound on I-24 approaching the Tennessee River
bridges (and Kentucky Dam). (Photo taken in June, 1999)
Profile shot of the twin bridges from Kentucky Dam
looking north. (Photo taken in June, 1999)
Paducah has gone with the designer support apperatuses
for their downtown traffic lights.
A Paducah street at dusk. Plenty of cars lining the
street, but I found very few businesses open along the way this
evening (Photo from May, 2003)
When Paducah paved over this old brick street, they
cut costs by not paving all the way to the curb, or was the asphalt
so lousey that it's
already broken away from the
edges? You can see in the darkness on the far right an old railline
and the floodwall. Photo taken in June, 1999.
Along the floodwall, several murals were painted along
the way. This one is a replica of an 1873 map of Paducah. You're
looking south from
the clouds. Evidently, there
were no east-west roads in or out of Paducah back then (follow
the rivers I suppose). Photo taken in June, 1999.
The US 45 bridge over the Ohio River, between Paducah
and Brookport, Illinois at dusk. Looking west (with a zoom lense)
from the Paducah waterfront.
(Photo taken in May,
Same bridge this time looking east from Brookport,
Illinois (and a little earlier in the evening). (Photo taken in
May, 2003)
Head on view going westbound approaching the I-24 bridge
over the Ohio River. (Photo taken in May, 2003)
River dregging along the Mississippi near Hickman,
Kentucky. (Photo taken in June, 1999)
Page created on March 3, 2004
Questions, comments and submissions can be sent to Sandor
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