the Storm
Various snapshots
of New Orleans as it recovers from Hurricane Katrina
This is what Tulane Ave looked like, looking towards
Midtown, several blocks north of I-10. Before Katrina, I would
of been ran over trying to reach this location.
A minor casualty from the storm. The US 90 shield is
facing the wrong way.
This hotel had yet to replace these upper level windows
at this time.

Left Photo: The neon for the Walgreen store drew my
attention, but look closely at the entrance. You can see some
restoration work going on inside the store.
Photo: Coyote Ugly is open everyone, that's what the spray painted
bed sheet says.
Tipiatina's appeared to get by without nary a scratch
from Katrina.
3 months after Katrina roared through, access to the
Lower 9th Ward was still disallowed. The Claiborne Ave lift bridge
over the Industrial Canal was left in the raised position to keep
people out. You can also notice the scrap metal/trash collected
at the levee wall there as well.
Welcome to a ghost town. This is part of the Lakeview
section of New Orleans that got washed by the 17th Ave Levee break.
The following four photographs were taken in an area
between the 17th Ave levee, City Park, I-610 and Veterans Blvd.
All photos on this page taken on November 26, 2005 or February
11, 2006
Page created on March 5, 2006
Questions and comments can be sent to Sandor
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