L&N Bridge
The southern landing for the L&N Bridge in Newport.
The brick arches go to a former a railline that went through this
neighborhood. (Photo taken in January, 2005)
Looking at the south enterance to the bridge. In front
are the backs of some Midwestern roadgeeks.
case you're wondering, the bridge was painted purple, but do to
the lighting when I took these photos, the bridge comes off as
History of this bridge can be found on this page and this

Left Photo: Leaning over the banister to look
down the old rail line portal
Right Photo:
Looking down the old pedestrian path in the middle of the bridge.
No, I don't know the family in this photo
The old roadway part of the L&N. One would be hard
pressed to fit two automobiles side-by-side widthwise on this
bridge now
Close up on one of the eye bolts holding the bridge
together. Doesn't this remind you of the old "Bridge &
Girder" play sets?
Left Photo: Looking down at one of the bridge piers.
You can see some of the parts of the upper bridge supports
Right Photo: Did I mention that the this bridge also
crosses the gates of hell? Actually, due to the setting sun the
water reflection was yellowish/brown so I exagerated the color
to redish/orange instead.
Pete Jenior
All Photos on this page taken in October, 2003 (unless noted
Page created on March 3, 2004/ last updated on May 18, 2005
Questions and comments can be sent to Sandor
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