Leland and Greenville
Leland and the Murals
This is Downtown Leland in May 2003. This sleepy little
town once held the intersection of US 82 and 61 in here. Both
highways were moved to expressways outside of the town boundaries
in the last 10-15 years for better regional traffic flow.

Both photos are of the same thing. I noticed these
"globes" above the entrance to the old Masonic hall
on 4th St. (near the Leland Blues Museum).
I know almost nothing when it comes to the masons. Someone picked
up on this and sent me an e-mail concerning the Masons (in part
because she runs a website, Freemasonry
for Women) and what the symbols on these "globes"
1) A square and compass emblem in blue for a Masonic
Craft Lodge, familiarly known as "Blue Lodge" Masonry,
since all the regalia worn by members is blue.
2) A triangle emblem in red for a Masonic Royal Arch
Lodge, familiarly known as RAM (Royal Arch Masonry) or "Red
Lodge" Masonry, since all the regalia worn by members is
red). RAM Masonry is generally worked in the same lodges as Craft
but not all Craft lodge halls offer the
additional RAM degrees.
3) A multicolored pentagram star emblem for an Order
of the Eastern Star chapter, which is not Masonry proper,
but rather a lodge system that originated in the 19th
century for female relatives of Masons.
It is customary in the Masonic lodge system for each
lodge to carry both a name and a number.
You thought
that the name of the two of the lodges -- "Cleveland"
-- referred to "Two Masonic groups based out of Cleveland."
This is probably not the case, unless there is a Cleveland, Mississippi
nearby (actually there is).
The name may
have been chosen to honor President Grover Cleveland. It would
be easy enough to ask, since this sort of information is not a
Masonic secret.
Thanks to Cat Yronwode (and her website, Freemasonry
for Women) for e-mailing me that information
The Leland Murals
(Link takes
you a local page about these works of art)
Biplanes, a river, and some farmland. Must be referring
to the main "industry" in the Delta.
Delta Dancing. This doesn't look blues to me, but I
suspect (thanks to the book Blues Traveling) that this is the
usual get-up at Lillo's Italian Restaurant with Boogaloo Ames
on piano (according to Blues Traveling, Ames is a local blues
Can you name all the musicians on this mural? They
all play(ed) blues (of some form) and hail from Leland (or within
25 miles of there)
This last mural is dedicated to B.B. King (who calls
nearby Indianola "home").
Somehow it was chosen for touch up work the day I came through
Now this scene isn't anywhere near the US 82 corridor
towns mentioned above. This is all the way south in Vicksburg.
Besides the casino in the foreground, this is the junction of
the Yazoo and Mississippi Rivers (on the northside of Vicksburg).
The Yazoo River was the second most important river in the Delta,
bringing cotton down from Greenwood. (Photo taken in June, 1999)
Other related pages on this site
Central Delta page
Charley Patton's Grave
Indianola, Ms
The Leland Blues Project
All photos were taken in May, 2003 unless noted otherwise.
Page created on January 14, 2004/last updated on August
16, 2005
Questions, comments, and submissions can be sent to Sandor
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