Central Ohio
Pickaway County | Fairfield County
Pickaway County

For some reason, vertical wooden posts seem to be the prefered
method of road signage in Jackson and Scioto townships (stradling
Franklin and Pickaway Counties). This particular instance is for
an older, bypassed section of SR 3 at the Franklin/Pickaway County
(near Harrisburg). Photo taken in January, 2004
In midtown Harrisburg, looking back at the former(?)
western end of Oh762 at old US 62/Oh 3 (the Harrisburg bypass
was constructed in)
Photo taken in January, 2004
I'm so confused. Which name is corrected here? It would
be the wooden post with Scioto St carved into it. The old metal
sign on the right, would signify what the road name would be once
you leave Commercial Point (home to IRL Driver Sarah Fisher) Photo
taken in January, 2004
A restored(?) gas station building along the old routing
of US 23, in Circleville. According to Sherman Cahal, he believes
the architechural style of building dates to the mid 1930's. It
was an "art deco" gas station, with the design very
similar to the old Gulf stations of that era. (Photo taken in
October, 2002)
Fairfield County
How many routes does one need to know the location
of? Intersection of US 33 with US 22 & Oh 188 in Lancaster.
Rising Park
This is a merging of two photos looking over Lancaster
(and Fairfield county out yonder) from the lookout at Rising Park
Downtown Lancaster from Rising Park (part 1)
Downtown Lancaster from Rising Park (part 2)
So how far can one see from Rising Park? Several miles
at the west.
US 33 - Lancaster Bypass
(Completed in October 2005)
This is the last exit completed for the project at
Oh 188, as of February 2004.
Close up photo of the east bridge support for Oh 188
over US 33. The texture brown color (and design) is not standard
for bridges.
One can see devolution of the US 33 bypass as one looks
south from the completed portion towards where construction picks
Close up on the northern extent of the construction
around Lancaster back in February 2004
The top of the new US 22 bridge over the would be US
33 bypass (that is current US 22 on the left).
More grading for US 33 bypass, this time south of US
Anyone missing a trailer?
US 33 Lancaster bypass page
County Regional Planning Commission
County Covered Bridges
All photo taken in February, 2004 unless noted otherwise.
Page created on March 23, 2004/ last updtated on March 1,
Questions, comments, and submissions can be sent to Sandor
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